Tuesday, 28 June 2016

July sketchcrawl

Hello dear sketchers,

The city of Esch-sur.-Alzette is organising an urban art exhibition. During the first week of July, European and Luxembourg artists will liven up different parts of the city with their works.

For this month's sketchcrawl, we will sketch the streets of Esch-sur-Alzette as reinterpreted by these artists.

For more information on this exhibition, see: http://kulturfabrik.lu/fr/programmation/details/event/urban-art-esch-interventions-urbaines/

Attention, as an exception, this sketchcrawl is postponed to the second Sunday of the month.

Let's meet at the Kulturfabrik in Esch-sur-Alzette at 14.00 on Sunday 10 July 2016.

See you on Sunday!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Looking up from the Petrusse valley

For the June sketchcrawl  our sketchers group met at the Sacré Coeur church in Luxemburg.
I was early so I started a warm-up sketch:

 Going down the narrow and slippery path into the Petrusse valley was a tricky business with my recently sprained ankle. But with the solid support of my fellow sketchers I arrived safely in the valley and could enjoy the cool shade on this hot day.

From my very comfortable camping chair I had a nice view looking up the passerelle, where tiny people were passing and the June light filtered  through the arches. The sky changed from blue over clouded to thundery, but we did not get wet. At least not from above – because the ground was so humid that my sketching papers got damp.


100% concentration:


And a chat afterwards:


Following the Petrusse we arrived at the Alzette river, and after crossing the small bridge in the Grund we ended up at Scott’s Pub for a drink.




Monday, 6 June 2016

Dans le parc (05/06/2016)

Il faisait lourd et orageux ce dimanche. Un temps incertain pour descendre dans le parc de la Pétrusse. Et pourtant il a fait étonnamment beau malgré l'humidité. Nous nous sommes installés bien confortablement à mi ombre pour dessiner, depuis le fond de la vallée, la ville émergeant de cet écrin vert.
Tout d'abord j'ai voulu rendre le bonheur coloré et lumineux de dessiner à l'ombre des frondaisons d'une allée verdoyante, bercée par l'oscillation des trous de lumière…

…puis zoomer sur un buisson de rhododendrons. Malheureusement, je n'avais pas de rose pour teinter les fleurs épanouies.

… et saisir le calme concentré de Leen dessinant.

Nous avons conclu notre belle journée par un pot offert par Leen à la terrasse du Scott's Pub au Grund.
A peine rentrée à la maison, l'orage s'est déclenché. Nous avons échappé de justesse aux 100% d'humidité!