Monday, 30 January 2017

February Sketchcrawl

Hello dear sketchers,

Since the cold still bites too much, we will find refuge at the LuxExpo for our meeting of February.

We'll have plenty of choice of subject between the Antiques and Art Fair and the Wine Salon.

Let's meet at the entrance of the LuxExpo (Kirchberg) at 14:00 this Sunday 5 February 2017.

See you on Sunday!

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Belated accounts

I have been remiss with publishing my sketches form the last Urban Sketchers' sketchcrawls, so here they are now.

In December we went to the Christmas market, which is slowly becoming a tradition of ours.

The Christmas market in the capital has grown a lot over the years an can now boast three main locations. This time I focused on the small ice skating rink on Place Guillaume II. The day was wonderfully sunny and the rink was full of people.

A mulled wine at a nearby café surrounded by friends were the perfect end to a lovely aftenoon.

In January we went to the Mudam. I was very pleasantly surprised at the big turnout: 17 people came to sketch with us this time!

It was the last day of the Wim Delvoye exhibit, an artist that has already been shown at the Mudam several years ago. Here are a few of his works. Tattooed pigs (I have mixed feelings about them, but they looked so friendly I couldn't resist sketching them).

One of his Cloaca machines.

I'm not sure these metal trees were part of his exhibit but I really liked this view, specially with two of my fellow sketchers in the background.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Sketching at the Mudam

Amazing turnout at our last sketchcrawl in the Mudam museum! 17 sketchers, old friends and new came to start the year on a merry note.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Place Guillaume patinoire de Noel

Ce dimanche 4 décembre 2016 je retrouvais avec plaisir les Urban Sketchers que je n'avais pas pu accompagner le mois dernier. Comme chaque hiver, nous nous retrouvons à la place d'Armes pour croquer le marché de Noël. Mais ces manifestations ne se concentrent plus, depuis quelques années, seulement sur la place d'Armes. Nous nous sommes donc éparpillés entre la place d'Armes avec le marché de Noël traditionnel, la place Guillaume avec sa patinoire éphémère et la place de la Constitution avec la grande roue qui partage le ciel avec la Gëlle Fra.

Comme j'étais tentée de raviver mes souvenirs d'enfance sportive, j'ai plutôt choisi la place Guillaume. Sans difficulté j'ai résisté à la tentation de m'aventurer sur la piste, et me suis bien bravement contentée de saisir du regard, et du pinceau le joyeux brouhaha dérapant sous les yeux mi-réjouis, mi-inquiets des spectateurs. Les exclamations s'échappant des tenues emmitouflantes bigarrées méritaient la couleur. L'aquarelle c'était pour le "sport", histoire d'oser aussi quelque chose devant tant d'audace de la part des patineurs.

Nous n'avons pas fait durer la congélation des doigts trop longtemps et, le Kaale Kaffi étant complet, nous nous sommes retrouvés au Friquet's au rez-de-chaussée de l'Hôtel Beaux-Arts devant des boissons chaudes. Le beau pull de Carlo me rappelait les sports d'hiver en famille. Bavardages feutrés entre compagnons sketchers et la traditionnelle photo groupée de la récolte d'esquisses.

Encore un bon dimanche convivial.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

January sketchcrawl

Hello dear sketchers,

Happy new Year 2017, full of joy and many sketches!

For the first sketchcrawl of the year, let's meet at the entrance of the Mudam (Kirchberg) at 14:00 this Sunday 8 January 2017.

See you on Sunday!