Monday, 4 January 2021

January 2021 @home meeting

For their January 2021 @ home 'meeting', the Urban Sketchers Luxembourg were invited to sketch their favorite spot in their home in three entirely different techniques, at least one of which they had never tried before. 

The challenge, in these times of unfortunate restrictions, was to stretch our own personal boundaries -  a good intention for this new year to come!

It yielded wonderful results: playful, intimate and experimental sketches. 

The only, but most important, downside was that we could not meet in person, wish each other a good year, sketch together and have a drink-and-draw session afterwards :-(

Let's have a peek in the sketcher's homes:

Athena Georgakelos

mixed media (water color/gouache/marker)

one line drawing

Pedro de Oliveira

Dagmar Weitze

Lucie Zambon


Mariette Bintener


Roger Jenkins, once unleashed, could not stop experimenting.

left-handed (Roger being right-handed) drawing and colouring

line sketch, right-handed

tablet sketch using one finger

tablet sketch using as many fingers as possible (abstract interpretation of earlier line drawing)


Ágnes Ónody

pencil sketch of a lovely garden

watercolor and ink without previous pencil sketch

right-handed water color (Ágnes being left-handed)


finished water color

Annie Zeler Flesch

water color pencils and collage on water color yupo


water color with left foot (!) - Annie's lemon tree

Arnaud De Meyer

Arnaud posted this masterful sketch for the January @home meeting of USkLuxembourg... He offers us a glimpse of his beautiful bay window.

I definitely suspect Arnaud is hiding something from us (or did the former occupant of the house move out?!?!) ;-)

 Isabelle Yegles-Becker

watercolor pencil
Anna Yegles 


photo and ipad painting
Gaby Krein

ink linesketch

color pencil

ink and watercolor

Jean-Pol Léonard

Leen Van Bogaert

simple oil painting

oil on glass + monotype

sewing machine sketching

As I have been painting and sketching for quite a long time, and I have always liked to try out new things, it was not so easy to think of a technique I had not used before. I got some inspiration here .

The results are a far cry from this virtuoso needlewoman, but it felt good to try!



Ideas for our future meetings and activities are more than welcome, as we cannot foresee how and where we will be able to sketch with the ever changing COVID measures (and the ever changing weather for that matter).




Saturday, 2 January 2021

Announcement: USk Luxembourg: January 2021


First of all we wish you all a healthy, happy and creative new year 2021!

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown measures, we cannot meet now to sketch on location and we spend most of our time at home. 

That's why we invite you for this January 2021 ‘meeting’


The choice is wide: left-handed drawing, digital drawing, collage, paint, ink, chalk, mirror image drawing, blind drawing, watercolor, gouache, charcoal, sand, even embroidery or a sewing machine, why not?

Make at least one of your drawings in a technique you've never tried before: a nice challenge for a new year full of new things...

We invite you to post your three sketches before Monday January 4 2021: you can post them in our Facebook group or on Instagram with hashtag #uskluxembourg or send them to us at this mail address to post them for you.

We hope to meet again very soon,


Tout d'abord, nous souhaitons à toutes et à tous une bonne année 2021 pleine de santé, bonheur et créativité!

En raison des mesures COVID nous ne pouvons pas nous réunir maintenant pour dessiner ensemble sur place et nous passons la plupart de notre temps à l’intérieur, à la maison. 

C'est pourquoi nous vous invitons pour cette "réunion" de janvier 2021 de


Le choix est large : dessin avec la main gauche, dessin numérique, collage, peinture, encre, craie, dessin en miroir, dessin à l'aveugle, aquarelle, gouache, fusain, sable, pourquoi pas la broderie ou machine à coudre?

Faites au moins un de vos dessins dans une technique que vous n'avez jamais essayée auparavant : un beau défi pour une nouvelle année pleine de nouveautés...

 Nous vous invitons à poster vos trois dessins avant le lundi 4 janvier 2021 : vous pouvez les poster dans notre groupe Facebook ou sur Instagram avec hashtag #uskluxembourg, ou nous les envoyer à cette adresse mail pour les poster pour vous.

En espèrant de vous revoir bientôt,