Sunday, 28 November 2021

Announcement: December sketchcrawl of Urban Sketchers Luxembourg: Speedsketching at the Winterlights Festival


This time we are going to SPEEDSKETCH  in the fairy world of the Luxembourg Winterlights Festival. Thus we will keep moving and not get too cold and, more importantly, we will loosen up our sketching skills and sketch with more freedom, spontaneity and freshness. The Casino Luxembourg will serve as our meeting point and refuge to warm up in between. 

Let’s meet on Sunday 5 December 2021 at 2 pm in the entrance hall of the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'Art Contemporain41 Rue Notre Dame, 2240 Luxembourg (CovidCheck)

Some tips for speedsketching:
1. Make sure you have a generous stack of not-too-expensive sketching paper (minimum 10-20 sheets)
2. Limit yourself to two (2) sketching tools, for instance :
- a 2 HB and a 4B pencil
- 2 waterbrushes filled with ecoline or two markers, one warm color and one cool color
- 2 coloring pencils or oil pastels,  ochre and blue
- 2 black ink pens of different thickness 
…(etc, etc.)
3. Don’t take your sketching stool: it will slow you down
4. Dress warmly, wear good shoes and don’t forget your mittens!
And some thoughts on the benefits of speedsketching:

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Bears & More at the museum “A Possen” - november 2021 sketchcrawl of Urban Sketchers Luxembourg

The november sketchcrawl of our Urban Sketchers Luxembourg group gave us another chance to discover something new: the museum “A Possen” in Bech-Kleinmacher. 

The museum is hosted in a restored 17th century house in a small Moselle village - it shows us what family and everyday life was like in rural Luxembourg. 

The museum has a wonderful collection of old toys, teddybears and puppets, old cameras and visual equipment, and clothes and textiles from the past.


 Enough to sketch and almost too much to choose…

Well, everyone of us found something of their liking:


the sketcher Kasra sketching - Leen






The bears were the favourites:

Photo by Erik





Or were looming around the corner


If not bears, a fish?


Or puppets


Or a beautiful little dress from the past


And some fine glassware


 Isabelle wrote : “  Le musée viticiole et folklorique A Possen à Bech-Kleinmacher est installé dans une ancienne maison accueillante et très riche de ses collections diverses. Nous avions l’embarras du choix.

Tâcher d’esquisser la finesse et la légèreté des ancêtres du verre du vin, de récipients de verre comme des fioles fragiles bleutées et translucides. Un design presque contemporain, qui fait apparaître l’antiquité de l’art du vin comme le travail d’un savant fou qui se serait trompé de siècle.

Puis boire un verre de Riesling avec les amis sketchers bien installés dans la Wäistuff attenante “