For our April sketchcrawl we met at the entrance of the
recently renovated Casino - Forum d'Art Contemporain.
The weather was mild, so I decided to start sketching the
building from the outside with my water colours: ochre and blue, always a winning
team, to mark the contrast between the main building and the glass and steel
structure known as the aquarium.
Ah, the joys of urban sketching! A gush of April wind
toppled over my water container, so I continued with a quick small sketch with
my oil pastels in the same colour palette, this time of the nearby view to the
cathedral and the statue of the Gëlle Fra.
April rain started to fall on our sketches - I said to
Beliza with a Freudian slip : "Attention à ton destin" - and we took
refuge inside the Casino building.
First we exchanged impressions and took a picture of the pool
of sketches.
Then we enjoyed a drink in the ca(fe)sino with its beautiful
original plaster decorations, chatting away about sketching tools and discussing
art in general.
No gambling...