Friday, 12 March 2021

March 2021 sketchcrawl at the cathedral

It was very nice to see you all again, "alive and kicking - euh - sketching"!

Let's start with our youngest 5-year-old enthusiastic participant:

We were also delighted to see some new faces: welcome to Iouliana, Martina and Fredson ...

Iouliana Zisi-Tegou: "Great initiative! Looking forward to the next meet-up!"

Martina Giannarelli

Martina Giannarelli: "My first time with Urban Sketchers Luxembourg - thanks for organising!"

... and to find back some familiar faces and sketching hands.

Isabelle Van Driessche - diable
Isabelle Van Driessche - lion triste

Isabelle Van Driessche - parvis + Chaussure

« Ce dimanche ensoleillé, la joie de retrouver les sketchers sur le parvis de la cathédrale. Dessiner d’abord les surprenants bas-reliefs autour de l’entrée de la cathédrale côté rue Notre-Dame…entièrement à l’ombre. Rendre la tristesse des lions comme écrasés par la peine au pied des colonnes. Puis vers le haut entre deux piliers saisir un diable sortant du mur par un occulus. Est-ce bien un être diabolique ou seulement sa coiffure qui évoque des cornes ?

J’aurais encore volontiers dessiné plus longtemps l’une ou l’autre figure de ce portail fascinant, mais le froid et l’envie de retrouver les autres sketchers m’a ramenée sur le parvis où nous avons goutés aussi longtemps que possible aux derniers rayons de soleil en partageant le parvis avec les skaters. »

Arnaud De Meyer

Arnaud De Meyer - fontaine aux lions

Arnaud De Meyer
Pedro de Oliveira

Due to COVID-19 some of us were blocked at their homes, but they participated in spirit and sketched the most nearby church our a view of the cathedral.

Andi Papastefani: "March 2021 Sketchcrawl - View of Notre Dame Church, Luxembourg City"

Annie Zeler Flesch: "L'église St Joseph (Luxembourg). Vue de ma salle de bain."

Athéna Georgakelos: "Couldn’t join today but I draw the church that is close to me. Have a nice afternoon everyone! "

Lucie Zambon: Luxembourg Cathedral

Lucie Zambon: Luxembourg Cathedral

 Mariette Bintener-Weffling

 Mariette Bintener-Weffling

Roger Jenkins

Roger Jenkins: "Not being able to join you today, I did a sketch of a church near me; then I remembered a sketch I made of the Cathedral over a year ago - sitting under the Christmas tree like a pixie.! So I hope you enjoy both of them."

We were also delighted to have a fine photographer with us on this sunny afternoon. Thank you, Sue Scarano, for documenting this first live USk-Lux meeting!

And here are my own contributions for this first spring meeting 2021:
Leen Van Bogaert - cathedral from the parvis
cathedral - interior

Leen Van Bogaert - cathedral door handles

Leen Van Bogaert - (no)drink & draw

Leen Van Bogaert - confessional - to confess our sketching sins!

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